Two septuagenarians were caught by high tides in the English Channel and drowned. A third woman is seriously injured.
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Two fishermen on foot drowned on Tuesday April 9, in the areas of Bréhal and Bricqueville-sur-Mer (Manche), reports France Bleu Cotentin. The two septuagenarians were caught by the high tides. Around 5 p.m., firefighters were called to fishermen in difficulty on the foreshore, a tidal swing zone, spotted by kitesurfers.
When they arrived, they took care of three drowning victims. Two were brought back by members of the Saint-Martin de Bréhal sailing school. The third was brought back by oyster workers in the town of Bricqueville-sur-Mer. Two of the victims, a woman and a man, both aged 73, were then in cardio-respiratory arrest. Emergency services were unable to revive them. They were pronounced dead in the evening. The third victim, a woman also aged 73, was seriously injured. A man, who witnessed the scene, was slightly injured and transported to Granville hospital.
“We have never experienced this. We have had tragedies before, but not of this magnitude”deplores the mayor of Bréhal, Daniel Lécureuil, contacted by France Bleu Cotentin. “We must admit that with each high tide, we have more and more fishermen on foot. There were cautionary instructions circulating,” he regrets. On orange wave-submersion vigilance until 4 p.m. this Tuesday, the Channel returned to yellow vigilance.