two doctors resign from the College of Gynecologists of France to denounce the management of the Emile Daraï affair

It is a controversy which the National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France (CNGOF) would have gone well. Targeted by a judicial investigation for violence, and accused of “failures” by an internal investigation by the AP-HP, Professor Emile Daraï, former head of department at Tenon hospital, was until Tuesday May 10 invited by the CNGOF at the opening of the Paris Santé Femmes symposium, the most important congress in France on this subject.

A “colloquium of shame” according to the collective “Stop obstetrical and gynecological violence” which called for a mobilization this Wednesday in front of the Convention center at the Porte de Versailles where the conference is being held. In a first press release published on Monday, the CNGOF first justified the intervention of Emile Daraï, endometriosis specialist, by invoking the “presumption of innocence”. But this Tuesday, the College went back to announce the cancellation of its intervention in order to “preserving the largest annual French congress devoted to women’s health.”

A late cancellation when the participation of Pr Emile Daraï had already caused, according to our information, tensions for several months within the CNGOF. To the point of pushing two members of the institution to resign. According to our information, the vice-president of the CNGOF Pierre Panel announced his departure on Saturday May 7. The president of the Probity and Benevolence Commission, Amina Yamgnage, had slammed the door in February.

Questioned by franceinfo, the gynecologist denounces a management “unworthy” of this affair within the CNGOF as soon as the franceinfo survey on the subject was published last September. At this time, she is called to a crisis meeting with several members of the board of directors. “Clearly, the line that emerges at this time is to hasten to do nothing”, says Amina Yamgnage. She, on the other hand, shows her disapproval: “I can see that I am indisposedshe says. And indeed, from that date, I was never again summoned to any meeting on the subject. So from that moment, the words are strong, but I consider myself to have been excommunicated.”

A few months later, Amina Yamgnage learns that Professor Emile Daraï is among the distinguished guests of the CNGOF at the “Paris women’s health” symposium, the most important professional congress in France on the subject, initially scheduled for January 2022. With other , she asserts her profound disagreement. Professor Emile Daraï is then deprogrammed. But the symposium is postponed because of the Covid-19. It is therefore by chance that she discovers that Professor Daraï is again on the program of the colloquium in May. A choice “unworthy” according to her.

“What is the interest of the college to put forward Professor Daraï? I am ashamed of my profession and I am ashamed of those who represent us.”

Dr. Amina Yamgnage, gynecologist

at franceinfo

A decision of the CNGOF all the more problematic according to her that at that time, the internal investigation of the AP-HP had just concluded to “failures” of Professor Emile Daraï. “When such an institution comes out with such conclusions, it is for us to look at them seriously and not to trample it underfoot quietly. For me, that bends the case.says Dr. Yamgnane. When we say that and the AP-HP dismisses such a doctor from his position as head of department, the College of Gynecologists of France must have restraint about letting this man continue to broadcast [sa parole].”

She then decided to submit her resignation from the CNGOF in February. Like her, Pierre Pinel, vice-president of the CNGOF has decided to leave his post. He notified the College on Saturday May 7, according to our information.

After the cancellation of the intervention of Emile Daraï, the collective “Stop obstetrical and gynecological violence” announces that the rally planned for this Wednesday will be maintained because “we want to protest against the CNGOF which had invited him […] The CNGOF has proven its contempt for the words of patients and its denial of obstetric and gynecological violence.”

Professor Emile Daraï is still targeted by a judicial investigation for violence by a person responsible for a public service mission for facts targeting at least 25 patients. Several complaints have been filed against him, in particular for rape.

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