Two different visions between Ottawa and the Union of Federal Public Servants

The negotiations between the federal government and the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) for the renewal of the collective agreements are starting with a good gap between the parties and, above all, a very different vision of the current economic context in the country.

While the PSAC talks about the inflationary pressure and calls for increases that take this into account for its members, the federal Treasury Board says that it must present offers “that are reasonable for Canadians” and that it must also take into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The country’s largest union of public servants says it has filed demands for a 4.5% per year increase, linked to inflation, “to help workers keep their heads above water and to s ensure that PSAC members and their families are not left behind.

“The inflation rate hit 3.4% last year and is expected to be well over 4% this year,” the Alliance says.

According to the PSAC, the Treasury Board tabled offers varying between 1.5% and 2% per year during a meeting on the commonalities of the various groups of federal civil servants, from March 28 to 31.

Treasury Board would not confirm these numbers when asked about them. He replied that he remained committed to negotiating in good faith, but that he also had to take into account the current economic context, “at a time when Canadians are struggling with job losses and financial difficulties related to the pandemic, to which its members [de l’Alliance] were not confronted”.

“Our offers to all bargaining agents take into account the current economic situation, including settlements reached in other collective agreements, the government’s ability to attract and retain highly qualified employees, employment conditions federal government with respect to other Canadian workplaces and responsible financial management,” the Treasury Board Secretariat said by email.

If the government thinks it’s going to pass the pandemic bill on to our members, it’s wrong.

“The Government of Canada remains committed to negotiating in good faith and reaching agreements that are fair for employees, take into account the current economic environment and are reasonable for Canadians,” he added.

The Alliance calls these government offers ridiculous. “It is an insult to our members who have been serving Canadians on the front lines since the start of the pandemic. If the government thinks it’s going to pass the pandemic bill on to our members, it’s wrong,” said PSAC National President Chris Aylward.

He says the two sides are “not on the same page” at the moment. “If Treasury Board does not present an offer that takes into account the skyrocketing cost of living, we will have no choice but to intensify our pressure tactics across the country, or even to to strike votes. »

The PSAC invites its members to increase the pressure on the Trudeau government. In particular, it will hold a “virtual day of action” on April 14. “We will flood the voicemails of MPs to demand fair wages and better working conditions,” warns the union organization.

PSAC bets on the budget to compensate for the failures of Phoenix

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