two deputies launch the “Balance ton sport” platform to collect testimonies from victims

On this new platform, victims can fill out an online form and submit their testimony.

Two deputies of the National Assembly launched the online platform “Balance ton sport” on Wednesday, September 13, to collect testimonies from victims of violence in sport, franceinfo learned. Sabrina Sebaihi, Nupes MP for Hauts-de-Seine and rapporteur of the commission of inquiry into failures in the French sports movement, launched at the beginning of July, and Béatrice Bellamy, Horizons MP for Vendée, president of the commission, are at the origin of the project.

“The need to speak remains urgent”

On, victims can fill out an online form and submit their testimony. They are asked their age at the time of the events, the city where this violence occurred and what type of violence it is (sexual, psychological, physical or even discriminatory). Victims can also describe what they experienced in writing, because “the need to speak remains urgent”, explains Sabrina Sebaihi, Nupes MP for Hauts-de-Seine.

“Since the announcement of the establishment of this commission of inquiry, we have received a number of testimonies and messages from people who wish to express themselves on situations of violence suffered within clubs and federations”

Sabrina Sebaihi, Nupes MP for Hauts-de-Seine

at franceinfo

>> Abitbol affair: A look back at the highlights of a scandal that destabilized French skating

For three years and the testimony of former figure skater Sarah Abitbol, ​​more and more voices have been raised to denounce violence in sport. “We must ensure that the entire sports movement is equipped to prevent this violence, report it and so that it can be punished,” insists Béatrice Bellamy, the president of the commission of inquiry.

The National Assembly dissociates itself from the approach

In a press release this Thursday, the presidency of the National Assembly affirms that “the approach of the deputies cannot commit the National Assembly as an institution”. She doesn’t want “comment on the substance of this initiative” and reminds that “the organization of citizen consultations by the National Assembly must be authorized by the Conference of Presidents referred to by the office of the body concerned”. “This was not the case in this case”notes the presidency of the National Assembly.

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