two dead and five slightly injured after the fire in a small building

The firefighters intervened in the night from Saturday to Sunday in this city of Pas-de-Calais. A burnt tire covered with rags was found.



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Two fire engines in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), May 21, 2019. (ARNAUD LE VU / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

Two people, still unidentified, were found dead after the fire in a two-storey apartment building early Sunday July 16 in Lens, Pas-de-Calais, firefighters said. The latter were called at 4:32 a.m. rue Pasteur, in the city center, “for a second floor apartment fire”which had spread to the roof, reported a spokesperson for the departmental fire and rescue operational center (Codis).

The two bodies were discovered in the rubble on the second floor, “a priori a man and a woman of indeterminate age”, he continued. Five people with minor injuries were rescued and transported to hospital, including four who were bothered by the fumes, and one person with foot trauma. Two other people, unharmed, were left behind, he said.

The criminal track is not excluded

“It is still too early to comment on the causes of the fire”but in view of the first elements collected, the criminal track is not excluded, and the investigation is therefore open “for destruction or damage by fire resulting in death”, told AFP the parquet floor of Béthune (Pas-de-Calais). A burnt tire covered with rags was notably discovered “in or near the building”said the prosecution, confirming information from The voice of the North. “Use of CCTV” And “technical investigations” should make it possible to specify the causes of the accident.

“The rapid intervention of firefighters”notably by means of three lances and two aerial ladders, “helped prevent spread to adjoining houses”, the fire department said in a statement. A total of 45 firefighters were mobilized to the incident.

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