two days before the first round, the MoDem is preparing its place in the future majority

Already aiming for the next move: this is the strategy of the MoDem two days before the first round of the legislative elections. François Bayrou’s party is already beginning to lay the groundwork for its place in the future majority. To sow its small pebbles, the MoDem starts from a prediction: Emmanuel Macron will not have the majority on his own, unlike 2017.

>> Legislative elections: find all the information two days before the election

The party therefore hopes to play well not the auxiliaries but the hinges, that is to say the group which holds the key to the majority. Moreover, François Bayrou was already prophesying it on Wednesday June 8 in Provence. In an interview, he announced “an even more decisive role” for the Modem, arguing that “obtaining the majority can really be played by touch-and-touch”. A MoDem deputy translates, evoking the hope of obtaining between 60 and 70 elected.

“We do not intend to do figuration.”

A Modem Deputy

at franceinfo

The members of the MoDem have already positioned themselves on certain subjects. They have, for example, published a column, in The Sunday newspaper on June 5, to make the food check – which is in government boxes – a device in favor of healthy products. Almost all of the centrist deputies, including their president Patrick Mignola, have signed it. “On defends the idea on the merits, but it is also a taste of what we intend to do in the next five years”, warns a signatory. Clearly, they intend to exercise a pfriendly reaction to the government.

François Bayrou says it himself: he intends “to impose ideas”. We must therefore expect to see proportional representation, postal voting, etc. return to the debate. “We’re not going to let go”assures a framework of the MoDem, which also specifies that the party of François Bayrou intends to obtain more than the two current positions in the government.

Some macronists respond to the MoDem that the party has illusions about its importance. “They cannot be Macron’s slingers. They only exist because we make room for them”drops a frame. “Anyway, they bark but never bite”he wants to reassure himself.

The movement will also have to reckon with Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, which also hopes to weigh. Finally, there remains the hypothesis of the absence of an absolute majority for En Marche and its allies – MoDem included – In this case, it will be necessary to seek other support and some at Les Républicains imagine, in turn, playing the role of hinge of a narrow majority. In this hypothesis, it could cost the macronists even more.

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