The perpetrators fled in unidentified vehicles. An investigation is opened for “theft with violence by an organized gang”.
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Two trucks carrying cigarettes were robbed by a gang, during the night of Wednesday to Thursday March 14, on the A11 near Le Mans, in Sarthe, indicates the public prosecutor of Le Mans Delphine Dewailly in a press release that was able to consult France Bleu Maine. The magistrate adds that “the damage currently being assessed would amount to several hundred thousand euros.”
“The perpetrators, aboard several vehicles, forced the drivers to park before seizing the cargo and fleeing in unidentified vehicles”, explains Delphine Dewailly, specifying that the truck drivers were unhurt. The heavy goods vehicles had to ensure “the supply of merchants from the great west”explains the prosecutor.
An investigation has been opened to “theft with violence by an organized gang and criminal association with a view to preparing a crime”. The suspects, who have not yet been arrested, face “a criminal sentence of 20 years”. Investigations, entrusted to the national gendarmerie, are continuing.