In Jenin, in the north of the occupied West Bank, a child and a teenager were killed this Wednesday by the Israeli army, according to video surveillance images.
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A new outbreak of violence is affecting the city of Jenin, in the north of the occupied West Bank, regularly the scene of Israeli military incursions. On video surveillance images, published on social networks, we can see Adam, 9 years old, mowed down by a bullet, in a street, while several children start running in panic. In other images posted online, we see Bassem, a 15-year-old teenager, also hit by a shot, again in the middle of the street. He struggles and cries for help for several seconds before dying. The events occurred on Wednesday, November 29, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, the two boys were killed by an Israeli sniper, during a new military operation led by the Jewish state. One of their officials told AFP that the child and the teenager were “on a street perpendicular to the main avenue in downtown Jenin“, an area theoretically prohibited to the Israeli army because under the control of the Palestinian Authority alone. The Israeli army declared to AFP “check” these informations.
These two deaths, in broad daylight, illustrate the violence of the fighting taking place in the streets of Jenin, but also in its densely populated refugee camp, which has been stormed since Monday November 28 by Israeli forces, search for Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants. According to the mayor of Jenin, the entire area was declared a closed military zone for the second day in a row.