Two cases of Omicron variant confirmed in Ottawa

Two cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Ottawa, in people who have recently traveled from Nigeria.

Alice Girard-Bossé

Alice Girard-Bossé

“Today, Ontario confirmed two cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Ottawa. Both of these cases have been reported in people who have recently traveled from Nigeria. Ottawa Public Health is doing case and contact management, and patients are in isolation, ”said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, and Dr.r Kieran Moore, chief medical officer of health, in a statement.

On November 26, the World Health Organization designated the strain B.1.1.529 as a variant of concern and named it Omicron. The variant has a large number of mutations and it was first reported to WHO by South Africa on November 24.

On all continents, many states are closing themselves off from southern African countries including South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, but also Zambia, Malawi or Angola as appropriate. They also tighten the entry rules for all travelers. Angola became the first southern African country to suspend flights in the area on Sunday.

So far, the Netherlands, Botswana, South Africa, Israel, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic have identified cases of the Omicron variant , mainly among travelers.

China has also identified two cases of the Omicron variant, including one in a traveler who arrived in Hong Kong from Canada.

With Agence France-Presse

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