two Brav-M police officers on trial


Video length: 1 min

Justice: two Brav-M police officers on trial

Two Brav-M police officers are on trial for violence and threats against a demonstrator. Alleged facts dating back to demonstrations against pension reforms in March 2023.

(France 2)

Two Brav-M police officers are on trial for violence and threats against a demonstrator. Alleged facts dating back to demonstrations against pension reforms in March 2023.

A police officer punching a protester in the face. Others who hit local residents with batons. It is for these violent practices that the Brav-M is at fault. heart turmoil. These police units Parisian on a motorcycle, ultra-mobile and fast, are feared by the demonstrators. They are also accused of slippage, particularly during demonstrations against pension reform.

“I can tell you that we had a hard time, both elbows and faces”

In an audio recording filmed in March 2023, we hear them threaten and intimidate a person arrested in the Parisian procession. Slapping sounds are audible. “I can tell you that we had a lot of problems, elbows and faces, but I would have killed your legs”, says a police officer in the recording. The two police officers, authors suspected of this violence, are judged to Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis)Thursday March 7. Despite these slip-ups and the pressure put on by several rebellious deputies, the dismantling of the Brav-M is not on the agenda, according to the authorities.

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