A brilliant young girl had been refused her final year in the establishment because of her anti-homophobic positions.
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The Mousse and Stop Homophobia associations filed a complaint on Friday January 26 against the former management of Collège Stanislas, a private Catholic establishment in Paris, “for discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity”, announces the Mousse association in a press release. This complaint follows the exclusion of a young girl in June 2022, who “constitutes a discriminatory refusal to access private education services, an act punishable by article 225-2 of the penal code”, can we read in the press release.
The student had been educated at Stanislas College since 2013 and was awarded the 3rd prize of excellence at the end of the 2022 school year, but she was refused access to the final year in the establishment. According to Mediapart [article payant], “the father of the young girl was summoned urgently on June 20, 2022 before the management of the establishment and was informed that his daughter would not be taken back to final year.”
3rd prize for excellence but “toxic”
“The management (…) had described the young girl as ‘toxic’ because of her refusal to tolerate the homophobia present within the establishment and her commitment against this discrimination”we can read in the press release. “In a letter addressed to Gabriel Attal, his father had accused the prefect of harassing his daughter, due to his opposition to the latter’s constant homophobic, racist and sexist remarks. The inspection report indicates that the conflict between the prefect and the student results from positions taken as activism on homosexuality. In an email to the censor-director, the prefect mentions a conflict over clothing, in particular an LGBT sweater that the student refused to remove”report the two associations.
For Terrence Katchadourian, general secretary of Stop Homophobia, “this complaint will allow the police to conduct an in-depth investigation within the school establishment, in order to shed light on the LGBTphobic actions of the management denounced by the internal report of the National Education and the article of ‘Mediapart'”.