Two alleged feminicides in a few hours in Quebec

Two feminicide-like dramas shook Quebec in a few hours, Friday and Saturday. These sad events could be the first of their kind this year.

First, the police officers of the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) were called Friday evening in the locality of Dunham, in Estrie “for a person in crisis”, says the communications of the police force.

Upon arriving at the scene, rue Lasnier, the officers discovered two people “seriously injured”. Their deaths were pronounced on the spot.

They were Patrizia Rao, 59, and Frédéric-Lynn Blair, 62.

The clues collected “allow us to believe” that it is a feminicide followed by a suicide, specifies the SQ in a press release. An autopsy will be carried out on the bodies of the two victims in order to officially rule on the causes and circumstances of the deaths.


A few hours later, Saturday morning, the Laval Police Service (SPL) was dispatched to the scene of a crime which also bears the marks of a marital drama.

The son of a couple in their seventies alerted the police, shortly after 7:30 p.m., after making the sad discovery inside his parents’ residence located on boulevard de Blois, near avenue des Trois- Rivières, in the Duvernay district.

“When the police arrived on the spot, they found the bodies of the two inanimate people. According to the information we have at the moment, we can say that it could possibly be a murder followed by a suicide, ”confirmed the agent Stéphanie Beshara, of the Service de police de Laval, interview Saturday morning.

The identity of the victims has not been released. It is a 71-year-old woman and her 75-year-old spouse.

“It is certain that an autopsy will be carried out at the beginning of the week on the bodies of the two people so that we can understand what exactly happened”, affirmed the spokesperson of the SPL, while specifying that It was a couple without history.

A security perimeter was erected around the house where the tragedy took place and the police continued their investigation at the scene.

“A forensic identification technician is on site. The command post (mobile) is also there and the police and investigators too,” said officer Beshara.

With The Canadian Press

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