Twisting the truth with Bock-Côté

In case you missed it, we live under a totalitarian regime.

I read it in the last essay by Mathieu Bock-Côté, Totalitarianism without the gulag, published in November by Presses de La Cité. We live in an Orwellian world, therefore, dominated by an elusive but omnipresent “diversity regime” which constantly monitors us, censors us and subjects us to a stifling ideological conformism.

That’s the thesis of the book, basically.

Under this new totalitarianism, the gulag “is no longer necessary, to the extent that society has become an open-air re-education camp,” writes Mathieu Bock-Côté. Journalists and commentators of all stripes conform to dogma, not hesitating to twist reality or outright lie. “Factual accuracy is replaced by ideological conformity, and this is all the more valued as one must comply with it in order to evolve in society,” he writes. The brain must reprogram itself according to this logic: it is a question of civic, media, and often financial survival too. »

A question of media survival? It’s a bit strong, coming from a man who multiplies the platforms to attack with the verve that we know him this so-called censorious regime.

Mathieu Bock-Côté has built a flourishing career by hammering out this speech, always the same, in the written press and on TV sets, in Quebec and in France. Never have we seen a totalitarian regime so tolerant of criticism, even the sharpest.

The impressive media success of Mathieu Bock-Côté, on both sides of the Atlantic, demonstrates through the absurd that his thesis does not hold up.

To support it, the author multiplies the examples supposed to illustrate the excesses of totalitarianism without a gulag. Taken together, these stories indeed form a grim picture of the peril woke which would threaten the Western world. But there you have it, several of the examples submitted in the book do not hold up well to a simple fact check.

Take this apparently scandalous story, where the refusal to comply with trans ideology would be downright equated to a form of parental abuse, according to Mathieu Bock-Côté. “In British Columbia, […] a father was sentenced to six months in prison because he refused to recognize his child’s gender transition, and continued to see his daughter as a girl and address her by a feminine pronoun,” he writes.

Revolting, isn’t it? Except that this too brief summary does not correspond to reality. In fact, the father was not convicted for his refusal to accept his child’s transition, but for having publicly displayed personal and medical information about him, thus violating an order imposed by a court to protect his private life.

And he didn’t just do it once, accidentally. On the contrary, the father violated the order “blatantly, willfully and repeatedly,” a judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia found with dismay1. He did this by multiplying interviews with American right-wing media and by organizing an online fundraiser, in which he did not hesitate to reveal the name and photo of his child. This collection allowed him to raise tens of thousands of dollars. When it comes to contempt of justice, the judge said, “there are few cases even remotely comparable.”

In his book, Mathieu Bock-Côté eludes these facts, which are nevertheless necessary for a good understanding of history. This allows him to conclude in a dramatic way, to say the least, that “these refractory parents, and those who support them, are the new political prisoners of the West”.

Two weeks ago, this caricature of reality was denounced on X, and that encouraged me to delve into the essay. I found a lot of similar shortcuts there. In addition to this one, I have selected five – presented in the next tab – which illustrate the method used by the author.

Five more shortcuts

A man accused of disgrace

“In the fall of 2021, a man accused of misgendering one of his former colleagues, who declared himself non-binary, in a restaurant, was ordered to pay several tens of thousands of dollars in damages to the non-binary. -binary in question,” argues Mathieu Bock-Côté in his work. Shocking, you say?

At first glance, yes. Except that by going through the articles published in British Columbia, where the events took place, we discover that the non-binary employee, Jessie Nelson, received $30,000 not for having been misgendered, but for having been unfairly placed at the door after asking his colleagues to call him by the pronouns of his choice2. This is not a small nuance.

The bar manager was particularly hostile towards Jessie Nelson. He insisted on using the wrong pronoun and took pleasure in calling her nicknames such as sweetheart, honey And pinkie. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal ruled that the restaurant discriminated against Jessie Nelson by concluding that it would be easier to show her the door than to resolve the growing conflict between its staff. . Although the bar manager was one of the people convicted in this case, it was the restaurant, as employer, that was found liable for the entire amount to be paid to Jessie Nelson in compensation.⁠3.

A student arrested by the police

In Ontario, “a student had to experience the police because he refused the presence of boys identifying as girls in the girls’ locker room,” Mathieu Bock-Côté confines himself to recounting in his essay.

This matter, once again, is more complex than it appears. Josh Alexander was suspended after organizing a demonstration outside his school to protest transgender students’ use of the bathroom of their choice. The 16-year-old student had been warned by management that if he organized this demonstration, he would be suspended immediately. Disregarding this warning, he moved forward, supported by organizations such as Save Canada and Freedom Fighters Canada. Among the thirty demonstrators, most of them adults, some brandished signs proclaiming “FUCK TRUDEAU”, “FAKE NEWS” and quotes from the Bible ⁠4, 5.

After other incidents, Josh Alexander, who describes himself as a “Born again Christian,” was suspended for the remainder of the school year: his behavior, deemed intimidating and harassing by management, posed a risk to student safety. other students. On February 6, 2023, he violated an order not to appear at school, resulting in an arrest, a fine and extensive media coverage, including an interview with American polemicist Tucker Carlson.

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