twice as many tests carried out in laboratories before Christmas

At the moment Eurofins laboratories are carrying out between 1,500 and 2,000 tests per day, that’s twice as much as a month ago. To talk about this rush before Christmas, the director of these laboratories was our guest on France Bleu Azur this Wednesday, December 22.

Do you have the means to test everyone?

“Yes we have the means”, answers Hervé Fontanet. “We try to organize ourselves from day to day. It’s a daily challenge because we also have to manage our staff who are tired after two years of the pandemic. But we are not deprogramming. We take on the workload as we go. to measure. ”

Are there any places left before Christmas?

“There is still room. We are also in the process of organizing to open the 25th and 26th, and also the 1st and the 2. But I would like to point out that it is important even if you get tested well. respect barrier gestures “.

Is covid testing lucrative for laboratories?

“Honestly we are not there. At the moment we have our heads in the handlebars. It’s lucrative but I think if you ask any biologist he would tell you that if he had the choice he would make one. a little less and would have a slightly more relaxed pace of work. ”

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