Deadly dive for wild boars in Savigny-le-Sec, north of Dijon. Under still unknown circumstances, around 30 wild boars dived into an artificial pond on the territory of a local farm. Alerted at 8 a.m. this Monday morning, Mayor Jean-Michel Staiger attends the scene: “It’s a fire reserve, about 1m50 deep. There is no water in the town, so no doubt they were looking for water.”
The boars had no foot
When he arrives, several young are already dead from exhaustion, while the sows and males manage to keep their heads above water. Very quickly, pallets are thrown into the basin “to allow them to cling”, but no animal takes the risk. And “The sows were very aggressive when you tried to approach their babies”comments the chosen one.
– Jean-Michel Staiger
Also alerted, firefighters from SDIS 21 arrived on site around 9:30 a.m. “They were brave”, describes Jean-Michel Staiger, to manage to get the boars out despite their aggressive attitude. Balance sheet: 21 dead, and 8 rescued, including two miraculous wild boars.