Tweet polemic on Pétain, purchasing power, Éric Coquerel affair … Mathilde Panot’s 8:30 am franceinfo

The president of the group La France insoumise at the National Assembly was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Monday July 18.

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Mathilde Panot, president of the group La France insoumise at the National Assembly, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. france info, Monday, July 18. She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Roundup of the Vel d’Hiv: “This tweet is there to launch the alert”

Mathilde Panot explained herself on franceinfo after her tweet on the 80th anniversary of the Vel’d’Hiv roundup, where she claimed that Emmanuel Macron is “a president who honors Pétain“.wanting”clarify“, the deputy of Val-de-Marne declared: “If there is a duty of memory, there is also a duty of vigilance on resurgences [de l’antisémitisme]. What I wanted to say with this tweet is that there are 89 RN deputies in the Assembly and that it is not admissible as the president said in 2018 to pay tribute to Pétain“, specifying having made this tweet”to initiate the alert.

Bill on purchasing power: “This text is dangerous”

As the debates in the Assembly on purchasing power begin this Monday, July 18, Mathilde Panot denounced on franceinfo a text “dangerousx”. In reality, by this text, we act something which is a decrease in purchasing power for people“, estimated the president of the LFI group at the National Assembly. What bothers me deeply with this text is that it acts on the refusal to increase salaries, that it acts on the refusal to dip into the private treasury and prefers to dip into the public treasury. In short, it is not structurally adapted and will continue in particular to dig the hole for Social Security“.

Investigation targeting Eric Coquerel: “No withdrawal”

There will be no withdrawal of Éric Coquerel because there is no new element”, assured Mathilde Panot, about the investigation for harassment and sexual assault which targets the LFI president of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly Eric Coquerel. “It was logical that from the moment a complaint was filed, the opening of an investigation logically followed this complaint“said Ms. Panot.”When I hear his accuser Sophie Tissier, I don’t hear what is enough to ask for a resignation“, she added.

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