TVA: the series “Les bracelets rouges” renewed for a 3rd season

Good news for fans of the series “Les bracelets rouges”: TVA confirms its renewal for a third season, while the second, which will unfortunately result in a death within the group of friends, is in full swing with seven episodes to to come.

We saw last Tuesday why it’s such a touching date when Justin (Antoine L’Écuyer) broke down in tears in the arms of his friend Félix (Anthony Therrien) after learning about his recurrence of cancer.

The qualifiers luminous and benevolent are also inscribed in the DNA of this series taking place in the pediatric wing of the Hôpital de la Rive, a fictitious hospital center where young patients, with red bracelets, face the disease by helping each other. .

“We are very grateful to TVA for renewing its confidence in us. We had ideas so we are happy that it can materialize, ”said author Stéphanie Perreault, who co-wrote the series with her spouse, Michel Brouillette. The couple also play respectively the psychologist Marilou and the physiotherapist Alain.

“We started working on the first episodes. The hardest part is starting a season. The first episode in particular. To be sure to start well and, later, to continue what you have sown.

Another death among the red bracelets

The conclusion of the current season will allow some quests to end. “Others will be on hold, so we’ll continue with them in Season 3. We’re going to add new characters with new pathologies so there’s always new and new blood,” she added. , admitting that another red bracelet will be taken away by illness, like Kim (Léanne Désilets) in the first season.

We know that Félix has premonitory dreams in which he sees the disappearance of another of his friends. “Season 2 will end with a big punch that we can’t ignore in the sequel. The farthest we can go is to say that a red bracelet will indeed die,” said Stéphanie Perreault, who would have liked to cure all patients, but that unfortunately would not have reflected reality.

A big fight for Justin

As for Justin, “a big fight awaits him and he will have ups and downs, it’s complex to control his cancer, osteosarcoma,” said Stéphanie Perreault.

The search for the other bracelets and their parents will also continue. We think of Albert (Malick Babin), Flavie (Audrey Roger), Kevin (Étienne Galloy), Lou (Milya Corbeil Gauvreau), Margot (Margot Blondin) and Rania (Alecia Haswani).

The authors’ children, who are 3 and 6 years old, allow them to be fully empathetic with the parents of the young patients in the series, who are notably interpreted by Julie Beauchemin, Isabelle Blais, Sébastien Delorme, Claude Despins, Éric Paulhus, Marie-Chantale Perron and Victor Andrés Trelles Turgeon.

“It’s strange because when I got pregnant with my son, we didn’t have big contracts like that. But as soon as I got pregnant, we knew we had our first series, “The bugs of life”, then the day I gave birth to my daughter, we knew we had landed the writing of the “Red Bracelets”. Everything was done at the same time, but it helped us to have children to write “Les bracelets rouges” because we project ourselves a lot into the characters of the parents, we use our own experiences to say how we would react. I don’t know if we could have written that five years ago.

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