TV season | The after-OD of reality TV

The soap operaDouble occupation strongly tinged the television fall. Despite everything, reality shows will flow in 2023… accompanied by increased precautionary measures.

Before going any further, let’s summarize the controversy. Three candidates fromOD Martinique made intimidating gestures towards another competitor, television viewers decried the situation and many sponsors left the boat. Accused of inaction, the production expelled the problematic participants and the daily disappeared from the airwaves of Noovo for a few weeks, before returning in watered down mode, without Lady Pagaille.

The controversy then died down, but it could leave its mark.

“We all saw what happened with ODcomments Jean-Philippe Dion, vice-president, content and strategy, of Productions Déferlantes (The voice, Masked singers). No producer is immune to experiencing this kind of story. Sometimes all it takes is a decision…”

The management of TVA made “no clear and precise request” after the carnage ofOD, supports the moderator. But as a producer of a love reality show like the island of lovein which singles in swimsuits must live in community, find a soul mate and eliminate each other, Jean-Philippe Dion did not sit idly by.

“We made sure to reassure the broadcaster, to reassure the advertisers. And the team is very, very aware that they are going to have to watch the islanders closely. »


Jean-Philippe Dion, vice-president, content and strategy, Productions Déferlantes

The case OD shook the whole industry. Generalist TVs have a lot of difficulty selling advertisements. To avoid having to manage controversies, they will go there with sure values ​​with good feelings.

Jean-Philippe Dion, Breaking Productions

leave nothing to chance

the island of love, which will return in the spring with Olivier Dion at the controls (replacing Naadei Lyonnais), is not the only reality show that will be the subject of an in-depth examination at Déferlantes. The company also produces Get me out of here!a competition in which 10 well-known personalities camp in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle in the hope of winning $100,000 for a cause they love.

In the first episode, which TVA will present on Sunday, February 19, the star participants must in particular jump from a helicopter and sleep outside, a challenge that creates a lot of anxiety for Colette Provencher, who takes part in the trip with comedian Jean-François Mercier, singer Andréanne A. Malette, actor and ex-boxer Deano Clavet, doctor François Marquis (On call 24/7), chef Jean-Michel Leblond (Heads of wood), content creator Livia Martin, former speed skating champion Marianne St-Gelais, dancer Rahmane Belkebiche (Revolution) and Nathalie Simard.


The new villa of the island of love

Jean-Philippe Dion, who co-hosts the show with Alexandre Barrette, insists: nothing was left to chance.

“We have redoubled our efforts to be irreproachable. We had a stunt coordinator, three doctors, a psychologist… We also added psychologists to all our reality shows. Because the participants have to be protected. If we lose their trust, our shows no longer exist. »

“We are still thinking. Are we going far enough to make a good show ? Are we going too far? »

No change to Big Brother Celebrities

On the side of Big Brother Celebritieswhich returns for its third season on Noovo on Sunday, it is claimed that nothing has changed.

“We already had measures,” explains content producer David Gauthier. Before each season, we meet the players individually. We reiterate our values. They know exactly what they are getting into. And because they are already public figures, they know what they can say, how it can be perceived, etc. They are used to. They also have an image they wish to preserve. It all works in our favour. »


The House of Big brother celebrities 3

“Our editorial line has always been clear, continues David Gauthier. Big Brother Celebrities, it’s a game. All interactions are based on it. It avoids a lot of conflict. The reasons why the participants put themselves in danger, why they eliminate each other… that’s part of the game. If one candidate wants to eliminate another candidate, it’s not because he doesn’t like him, it’s is because he was in another alliance, because he put it in danger the week before, etc. »

Watch out for social networks

Social media management will also require special attention from reality TV producers this year.

In an interview, Anne Boyer recalls being taken aback in 2020, after the show went on the air If we loved each other. Author and producer of numerous fiction series with Michel d’Astous (Yamaska, The blue Hour, My son), she had never offered a docureality until then.

“I couldn’t believe it! she exclaims. There’s nothing like the reaction of real people seeing real people on TV. »


If we loved each otherwith Louise Sigouin

If we loved each other should take over the TVA antenna in the spring. Two seasons were filmed with relationship support expert Louise Sigouin, including a special reserved for couples in difficulty.

Aware of the overflows that can occur on Facebook, negative comments towards certain participants which can proliferate quickly, Anne Boyer will maintain “a very, very close watch” of the show’s social networks. “At each broadcast, we are vigilant. Louisa [Sigouin] has already made a call for calm via video. People come to the show to work on them. We have to stop the bashing. »

Noovo presents Big Brother Celebrities this Sunday at 6:30 p.m. TVA will broadcast Get me out of here! starting Sunday, February 19 at 6:30 p.m. the island of love will be back on the air in the spring on TVA. Noovo will present the Quebec adaptation of Survivor, piloted by Patrice Bélanger, in the spring. new seasons of Five guys for me and If we loved each other are also provided for VAT.

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