The goal is to achieve better image quality. Currently, in the cinema, with a video projection screen, dark tones are always a little gray.
Reading time: 2 min

No more cinema projections, theaters will adopt the same type of screen as those on our phones and televisions, replacing the traditional video projection screen with a sort of giant TV. An LED screen with small light-emitting diodes, rather than a large projector at the back of the room. The benefit? Obtaining better image quality. If you look at the screen of a modern television or even that of your phone, it is obvious: the colors, contrasts, details are much better than with a projector, even a cinema projector. For a very simple reason: since the screen is white, dark tones are always a little gray. Whereas on a TV or phone screen, the blacks are deep and the colors perfectly saturated.
By removing the projection booth, we also gain space. This allows us to add additional seats and therefore the room to earn more per showing. This is why cinemas are currently switching to these giant TV screens.
The giant screen is actually an assembly of small individual tiles, small TV screens without borders, stuck together to obtain a surface of the size you want. There are already rooms equipped with this type of screen, but they are struggling to become widespread because of the sound. This is the problem with this technology: you can’t place speakers behind the screen. The sound would be blocked, muffled or it would go off to the sides… In any case, we would no longer have the impression that the dialogues come directly from the characters’ mouths.
The Unilumin company has just developed a screen with mini-openings capable of letting sound through. It therefore works exactly like cinema screens, you may have noticed that they are pierced with thousands of small holes. So, there is no longer any disadvantage to switching to this technology. It should therefore quickly become widespread.
Problem: we will no longer be able to say “we went to the movies” Or “we attended a screening.” We’ll have to find something else…