Whether they are from Touraine or other French regions, today’s young people live in an atypical situation: distance learning courses, first steps in working life against a backdrop of health and economic crises, cultural and social life disrupted by closures of establishments and barrier gestures… Turning 20 in 2022 may seem complicated. And yet, in Touraine as elsewhere, being 20 means wanting to realize your dreams, invent your life, innovate, commit to great causes, vote, too, for the very first time in the presidential elections…
Tuesday, January 18, France Bleu Touraine gives the floor to these young people and those around them. They tell us about their desires, their dreams, their difficulties, their daily life, their vision of the future. All day, get to know:
– Thomas Renaud, 23 years. At 7.15 a.m. The New Eco introduce yourself breakflip, the gaming media he created in Touraine, specializing in video games that are a hit
– Alice Simpère. This 23-year-old Tourangelle recounts in Air of Time at 8.15 a.m. its ecological commitment. It was she who created, in Tours, the local branch of cleanwalker.
– The TOTEM Association, in Proud of my 37 at 8:25 a.m. It brings together students in speech therapy from the University of Tours. For these young people, education is essential to the smooth running of the world. So they create international solidarity projects.
-From 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., in Circuits Bleus Side Solidarity Experts we will discover the commitment of Wilfried Rousseau and Julie Champenois. They are Civic Service volunteers Seniors solidarity at united quoted. They make visits to the homes of the elderly, but not only… With them, we will try to answer this question: How to fight against the isolation of our elders?
– From 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., in Circuits Bleus Side Flavors, we will share the gluttony, the talent and the will of Simon Adamo. The young man was trained at the CFA in Tours and created in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire the bistro/restaurant “The Brothers Barn”. We will discover his establishment but also his vision of the profession, what he expects from the future and will share his experience as a young adult who is starting a career (and an activity) in a very disturbed health and economic context.
– Josephine Moisson will be the guest of No more time to waste at 10:40 a.m. This young entrepreneur founder of Biolao.fr, has just won the Silver Medal at the Concours Lépine for its cosmetic powder products, which respect the environment and do not require packaging.
– Isabelle Dorso
Throughout this day, you will also be able to get to know those who accompany young people, study their living conditions or set up projects to help them:
– Eric Meyer, GEO Editor which has been setting up for several years the Geo young reporter grant and the cellist Gautier Capucon who is launching his foundation in favor of young musicians, will be Willy Rovelli’s guests from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in “We are not immune to making a good show”.
– Frederic Dabi, Deputy Director General of the IFOP and political scientist, and Nathalie Elimas, Secretary of State in charge of priority education, will decipher the news in “My France” from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the microphone of Wendy Bouchard. By their side: Camille Etienne, young environmental activist, spokesperson for We are ready, Heidi Soupault, student of Science Po, author of a letter to Macron to warn about the malaise of students, Hugo Travers, from the Youtube channel Hugo Decrypts, and Emmanuel Chaunu , caricaturist and draftsman (we owe him several drawings on school bullying and cyberbullying)
– Mirentxu Bacquerie, CEO of ECE (school for parents and educators in IDF) manages the young health thread.fr
In “It’s already tomorrow“, she will shed light on romantic relationships and sexuality in 2022 among young people.
– Flashpop
Young people also have an important role to play in sport and the arts. From 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., live from La Grande Odyssée Savoie Mont-Blanc, “Wait a minute” will invite you to get to know Pierrick Job, a young 25-year-old Musher who is participating for the first time this year.
From 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., in “I wouldn’t be surprised if we close“, Alain Joly and his columnists will discover the world of improvisation with the actors of “Rewind, What if we could go back in time? » . An incredible experience in which the actors (some of whom are in their twenties) indulge in this unprecedented improvised show given on Friday January 21 at the Espace Ligeria in Montlouis-sur-Loire.
To end this day well, from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Direct Access to the New Music Scene,
Eric Bastien will receive Lying. Finalist of season 10 of “The Voice”! , she is Vianney’s little protege. He composes for her his first single “Et Bam”
From 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., in Direct Access to the Comedy Stage, David Lantin will receive Thomas Angelvy, 25 years. From stand up to parodies, he skins the news, TV, everyday life…
“Being 20 in 2022” a day dedicated to young people, from Touraine or French regions, from 5 a.m. and until 9 p.m., Tuesday January 18 live on France Bleu Touraine.