Türkiye: Interior Ministry targeted by attack


Video duration:
1 minute


Shooting and an explosion took place in front of the Turkish Interior Ministry on Sunday October 1. The two attackers are dead.

To Ankara (Türkiye) Sunday October 1st In the morning, a gray vehicle stops in front of the Turkish Interior Ministry. A passenger comes out, a gun in his hand, and opens fire before blowing himself up. A second attacker was immediately shot dead by the police. The attack left two law enforcement officers lightly injured. The Turkish president condemned a terrorist attack. The scoundrels who threaten the peace and security of citizens have not achieved their goals and will never achieve them.”has indicated Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

An attack claimed by Kurdish separatists

The attack was claimed late in the afternoon by the Kurdish independence movement of PKK. 400 meters from the explosion, the Turkish Parliament was to make its entrance in the presence of the president. It was to validate or not Sweden’s entry into NATO. Turkey accuses Sweden of a form of clemency towards the Kurdish movements, which he regularly describes as terrorists.

source site-29