Turkey | Member of Parliament rushed to hospital after fight in Parliament

(Ankara) Un député turc de l’opposition a été hospitalisé d’urgence et placé en soins intensifs mardi à Ankara après avoir reçu un coup sur la tête lors d’une bagarre au Parlement, a annoncé mardi une élue de son parti.

« Nous avons constaté que son état s’est détérioré après le coup qu’il a reçu sur la tête. […] Cardiac defibrillation was performed at the hospital,” Aylin Cesur, MP for Iyi Party (the “Good Party” in Turkish, nationalist), a member of the same party as the hospitalized MP, Hüseyin Örs, told reporters.

Mr. Örs, 58, is in intensive care and his condition is considered “critical”, said Mr.me On this.

The images broadcast by the Turkish media show the MP for Trabzon, on the Black Sea, beaten by an elected member of the ruling party, the AKP (Justice and Development Party, Islamo-conservative).

The AKP, the party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, did not immediately comment.

The fight broke out during the 2023 budget debate.

“Our MP was the victim of a heavy attack. […] It is a day of shame for the Turkish parliament and for those who committed this aggression”, reacted the spokesman of Iyi Parti, Kursat Zorlu.

Fights and exchanges of blows are quite frequent during tense debates in the Turkish National Assembly.

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