Turkey: buildings collapse after another aftershock of the earthquake

Buildings collapsed Monday in the Turkish province of Malatya (southeast), hit by a 5.6 magnitude earthquake, announced the Public Agency for Disaster Management (Afad), without mentioning at first. of victims.

“Buildings collapsed and our search and rescue teams were quickly dispatched,” Afad said on Twitter.

The mayor of the city of Yesilyurt, located near the epicenter, also reported on the Habertürk television channel of destroyed buildings and ongoing operations to search for possible victims.

The aftershock occurred at 12:04 p.m. local time (9:04 a.m. GMT), according to Afad.

The province of Malatya had already been affected by the devastating earthquake of February 6, which killed 44,374 people in the south and south-east of the country, according to the latest official report.

The earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.8, destroyed or severely damaged more than 170,000 buildings in eleven provinces of the country and also affected the north of neighboring Syria.

Some 10,000 aftershocks have taken place since February 6 in Turkey, according to Afad.

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