try to win a prize of iconic lip care from Lanolips

We tend to believe that lips only protect themselves in the summer. However, the lip balm is ultimately worn throughout the year since it is also important to protect the thin skin of the lips from the rays of the sun and the dryness associated with the summer season. Just in time to fill your summer vanity, we team up with Lanolips, a famous Australian brand that puts the benefits of lanolin, a natural moisturizing ingredient, in small tubes.

You have certainly already tested the brand’s iconic 101 Original balm, of which Gigi Hadid is an unconditional fan and which is considered one of the best lip balms in the world. Such a success that a tube of this lip care is sold every 60 seconds around the world.

As a reminder, the star ingredient of this balm is lanolin, a natural ingredient that mimics our own lipids, which makes it the secret to skin hydration. From the first application, even the driest and chapped lips are instantly nourished, softened and repaired. The balm helps retain water, treat dehydration and create an extra-fine protective barrier on the lips.
And if the work is magic on the lips, we note that it also works miracles on scars or on rough parts of the body…

To (re) discover the brand and this iconic treatment, try today, Monday May 30, 2022 and until June 26, to win prizes including several brand treatments, namely a tube of 101 Original balm, a tube of 101 Dry Skin Cream, one tube of Jellybalm Strawberry skincare and one tube of Jellybalm Cherry skincare. There are 18 prizes to be won! Good luck !

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