Trump supporters eagerly await his ‘big announcement’

They came with flags, t-shirts and caps bearing the image of the one they adore, Donald Trump. Fans of the former US president crowded around his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, waiting hours for the expected announcement of his 2024 presidential candidacy.

France Media Agency

“I’m super excited. It’s like it’s almost Christmas Day morning and Santa Claus is coming,” smiles Stacey Bovasso, 54. “Donald Trump is our president and we need him back. »

Like this employee of a technology company, many have taken their afternoon, even their day, to be here.

And they share the belief, which has been repeatedly denied, that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, who has been hammering it for two years.

For Daniel Thibault, a 41-year-old waiter who has traveled nearly 300 km from Tampa, in the west of the state, there is no doubt.

“The next election will be the third he wins. He just lost the last to fraud. »

Decline ?

On the bridge leading to the luxurious residence of the former president, a group raises flags which can read in particular “Trump 2024 – let’s take back America” ​​and “Communism fears”.

In a festive atmosphere, a loudspeaker spits out the usual soundtrack, including the ultra-classic ” Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen.

These faithful among the faithful believe that the country is in danger of decline – and that Donald Trump is the only one who can save it.

“This new administration is destroying the United States,” said Eric Pardi, a 54-year-old house painter. “They are destroying our national independence, our borders, our economy and public order. »

For him, the only solution is for Trump to return. “This man loves this country and defends it, and that’s what a president should be: someone who defends our Constitution. »

Stephanie Liu, born in China but living in the United States for 21 years and naturalized American, shows even more enthusiasm for the real estate mogul.

“He was chosen by God to fight for our country. It is his patriotism that pushes us to support him, ”says this 50-year-old social worker, who made the trip from New York.

As if to contradict her, a small advertising plane flies over Mar-a-Lago pulling a banner: “You have lost again, Donald. DeSantis 2024.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, seen by many as Donald Trump’s main rival for 2024, enjoys wide support in his home state.

“I love Ron DeSantis,” says 60-year-old businesswoman Karen Reinhart. “But he must continue to be our governor. And when Trump finishes his term, it will be his turn. »

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