Trump calls on Biden to take a cognitive test

(Washington) Former Republican President Donald Trump, well on his way to facing Joe Biden in the November election, on Thursday called on his Democratic rival to take a cognitive test, claiming to have himself “excelled” in this type of exam .

He “must pass a cognitive test”, wrote the 77-year-old ex-businessman, about the American president, 4 years his senior.

“Maybe with this we can see why he makes such terrible decisions,” he scathed on his Truth Social network.

Joe Biden had his annual health exam on Wednesday, during which he was declared “fit” to be president. The White House said a cognitive test was not deemed necessary, according to his doctor.

The president responded to his rival’s attacks on X on Wednesday by publishing a video of the Republican making a series of slips of the tongue during recent speeches.

“Donald, my boy. Watch the video again,” he said.

The form of the two candidates, set to be the oldest duo to face each other in an American presidential election, is being scrutinized very closely during this campaign.

Every odd mistake, fall, moment of confusion on the part of one person is immediately blown up by the camp of the other.

Donald Trump recounted in 2020 having taken a cognitive test, which included, among other things, a memory test – a sequence widely derided on social networks.

“They tell you to repeat words: person, woman, man, camera, TV. I said yes, it’s no one, woman, man, camera, TV,” he said.

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