Truffles from Comptoir d’Alba in Canejan!

The first will of Comptoir d’Alba and Aude its founder, is to make truffles, a quality product and that everyone, whatever their means, can discover and appreciate and for this, they work in direct collaboration with producers. to have access to the best products, and develop our recipes according to our requirements, which allows us to present a unique range, which resembles us, while offering affordable products.

Different truffle products are offered in the range.

Comptoir d’Alba truffle olive oil

The counter of Alba offers a diverse and varied range such as truffles but also oils, truffle honey, sauces, …. But also, they work a range of meat truffles with products such as Galantine from truffled duck and a truffled country terrine.
All the terrines are made near Captieux in Gironde in collaboration with the ESAT which deals with the integration of disabled people.

To give you an idea of ​​the prices:
Truffled duck galantine 14,00€
Truffled country terrine 11,00€
Truffled duck foie gras 25,00€

To be found in a few shops in Bordeaux or Gironde:
– Side Flavors in Bordeaux in the Saint Seurin district
– The moon shop in Bordeaux on the quays
– The shop of the senses in Eysines
– The Grocer’s Table in Bordeaux
– The corner grocery store in Izon
But also via the e-shop on their website:

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