TRUE OR FALSE. What does research say about the link between pesticides and cancer?


Video length: 3 min

TRUE OR FALSE. What does research say about the link between pesticides and cancer?

TRUE OR FALSE. What does research say about the link between pesticides and cancer? – (franceinfo)

Present on the set of 19/20 info, Friday February 2, the journalist from the “True or false” unit of franceinfo Louis Augry reviews the state of research on the link between pesticides and cancers.

The government announced, Thursday February 1, that the Ecophyto plan will be “paused” time to rework it. This plan aims to reduce 50% the use of pesticides. A decision described aserror with serious consequences” by the president of ecologists at the National Assembly. Cyrielle Chatelain also noted that the announcement came during the day dedicated to the fight against cancer. Is there really a link between pesticides and cancers?”I’m not going to give you a definitive answer to this question, because even science doesn’t really have one.“, says Louis Augryjournalist of the cell “TRUE or false” of franceinfoon the set of 19/20 info Friday.

Farmers are most exposed to pesticides

Louis Augry, who indicates having discussed the issue with a cancer specialist, explains that farmers are necessarily the most exposed to pesticides. “L’Inserm was worried in 2021 about this exposure. Prostate cancer, for example, was recognized as an occupational disease that year for farmers“, reports the journalist.Concerning the rest of the population, the link “is immediately less obvious“.”The health authorities themselves recognize it: the population is widely exposed to pesticides today, but the effects are still poorly understood.“, indicates the journalist. “For the moment, there is no particularly solid study that establishes a clear link in the general population between pesticides and cancers.“, he adds.

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