TRUE OR FALSE. Was King Mohammed VI in France at the time of the earthquake in Morocco?


Video length: 2 min.


The silence of Mohammed VI at the time the earthquake occurred in Morocco raised questions. Was he in France at the time? Response elements.

Mohammed VI waswas he in France at the time when the earthquake occurred in Morocco? The French authorities are having difficulty providing official confirmation. On the morning of September 11, Interior Minister Gérald Darmaninpreferred not to answer the question. Then the Minister of Foreign Affairs ventured further explanations. I believe that he was in our country, that he returned on Saturday and chaired a crisis meeting with his ministers around him and took the necessary decisions.”she said.

A silence that creates controversy

According to the newspaper Jeune Afrique, King Mohammed VI was indeed in France. He landed for a private trip, which could be for a medical reason, which has not yet been confirmed by the Moroccan authorities. The subject seems sensitive, because This caused a lot of discussion on social networks. In fact, the King did not accept help from France after the earthquake. His silence caused controversy after such a serious moment in the country. THE government Moroccan therefore wanted to regain control by broadcasting images showing Mohammed VI in a crisis meeting to silence the rumors.

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