True or False Junior answers questions about internships

Second year students will have to do an internship in June for the first time this year, in order to discover a profession. The real or false junior students take the opportunity to ask us all their questions about the internships.


Reading time: 7 min

For the first time this year, second year students will have to find an internship, like third year students until then. On the other hand, for the seconds, it will be for 15 days and precisely between June 17 and 28. Students from the André-Derain high schools in Yvelines, Emile-Combes in Gironde, Jean-Perrin in Hauts-de-Seine and Jules-Ferry in Essonne asked us questions about internships and Valérie Deflandre, advisor guidance at the Youth Information and Documentation Center (CIDJ) responds to them.

Third and second year internships are not paid

Ilyane wonders if he is “true that student internships will be paid within a few months” and Louis asks if it is true that “the 3rd year internship is paid”.

No, neither the third year internship, lasting one week, nor the second year internship, lasting 15 days, are paid. Valérie Deflandre, from the CIDJ explains that “These are discovery internships, so they do not need to be paid, their objective is to observe and carry out a professional investigation, to ask as many questions as possible.”

So during these internships we can offer young people the opportunity to participate in certain company activities, but the main thing is above all to tour the different departments and observe.

Valérie Deflandre specifies that internships are paid for CAP and Bac Pro students “from the first week and it is the State which will pay them compensation, of €50 per week and this increases according to the level of studies.” And for internships, after the baccalaureate, it is from two consecutive months or discontinuously, with remuneration of 4.35 euros per hour minimum.

Solutions for finding an internship during a tense period for businesses

Clemence read “that it was difficult to find an internship for second year students at the end of June” and she wonders if it’s true. Yes, Valérie Deflandre replies, “It’s always complicated to find an internship, especially when it’s a short internship, where you don’t necessarily have an activity to carry out.” Furthermore, she adds that “Some companies are a little afraid of occupying, of monopolizing their employees, their collaborators, so yes, it’s always complicated.”

Fortunately, there are more and more platforms dedicated to this search for observation internships, such as 1jeuneunesolution, set up by the government and Valérie Deflandre also advises the Viensvoirmontaf association, which intervenes in colleges to prepare students for the search for an internship and which connects college students and professionals, “job dating” style.

Yes, it’s easier to find an internship, depending on your social background and contacts

Jeanne asks: “Can the social environment make it easier to obtain an internship?” and Penelope wonders about “people taken on internship solely through their contacts”.

Valérie Deflandre recognizes it, the social environment, its network and its contacts, facilitate research and “We must not hide it.” She specifies that we “sees clearly that in our companies, it is the children of employees, the acquaintances of friends and the social environment can encourage different contacts”. On the other hand, according to her “schools, town halls, new platforms are really in favor of developing their own network to open the doors of companies, associations of all places that can welcome interns.”

Also be careful when choosing a company or association that it is close to home and convenient in terms of transport. Avoid sending your application to a company where you are not sure you will go.

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