TRUE OR FALSE. Is the government inactive in the face of the scourge of bedbugs?



Video duration:
3 mins


Tuesday October 3, LFI MP Mathilde Panot accused the government of remaining passive in the face of the scourge of bedbugs. What about it? Response elements.

Tuesday October 3, at the National Assembly, MP Mathilde Panot (LFI) assured: “We called on the government to urgently act, you laughed in our faces. You did nothing or almost nothing, a toll-free number and a ghost platform.” On the set of 19/20 info, journalist Luc Brisson indicates: “The toll-free number has existed since 2020. It concerns substandard housing and bedbugs. (…) The site refers to a page from the Ministry of Ecological Transition which gives information, admittedly quite basic, on how to spot [et éliminer] bedbugs.”

Ineffective products

The LFI MP also mentioned an ineffective interministerial observatory. “This famous observatory was an announcement of the interministerial action plan to combat bedbugs from March 2022. This observatory was to better map this bedbug phenomenon. (…) It is still being created”explains Luc Brisson.

Finally, Mathilde Panot tackled the chemical products found on the market to fight against bedbugs. “It is possible to buy a certain number of chemical products on the Internet and in stores. (…) It is true that they are largely ineffective against bedbugs”, underlines the journalist. A parasitologist says that these products are not effective, but that they work against other insects.

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