TRUE OR FALSE. Is France a good student regarding its CO2 emissions?



Video duration:
3 mins


The executive has prepared several measures to do better regarding global warming and CO2 emissions. But on the side of the presidential majority and Emmanuel Macron himself, we believe that France is already on the right track on this subject. What is it really ?

There France isIs she a good student regarding her CO2 emissions? France would issue 1% of CO2 at the global level according to Emmanuel Macron. The figure is not new and allows us to ask big polluters like China to make efforts. But is this true? The figure is very real according to Global data Carbon Atlas. In 2021, of the 37.12 billion tonnes of CO2 emitted globally, France only emitted 306 million, i.e. 0.82%less than 1%.

France, the eighth polluter in history

But France imports enormously and uses products that have been manufactured elsewhere. Therefore, the products polluted elsewhere to be built. This is not counted in the 1% of CO2 emissions. France emits little CO2 today but To talk about ecological footprint, we also have to look at what happened before. France has released 38 billion tonnes of CO2 since the mid-18th century, making it the eighth polluter in history.

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