TRUE OR FALSE. Have the deputies increased their remuneration by 300 euros?

The office of the National Assembly decided on Wednesday to increase by 305 euros the advance of deputies’ mandate expenses. On social networks, many Internet users denounce a scandalous “increase in the salaries of deputies”. But the advance on the mandate costs is not remuneration.



Reading time: 2 min

A session of questions to the government at the National Assembly, January 24, 2024. (ALEXIS SCIARD / MAXPPP)

The controversy is growing on social networks after the decision of the office of the National Assembly, Wednesday, to increase by 305 euros the advance of the mandate fees of deputies, in the midst of the farmers’ protest movement and while the French are affected for months by inflation. “While the French are struggling, the deputies vote for their increase”writes an Internet user. “300 euros costs PER DAY”another chokes. “Increase in MPs’ salaries by 300 euros? […] Heresy! “, can we also read about X. Is it true or is it false? Have MPs really increased their own remuneration?

The advance on mandate costs is not remuneration of deputies

It’s wrong. The advance on mandate costs is not remuneration of deputies. This money is used to pay the daily expenses of elected officials, linked to their mandate, and which are not directly covered by the National Assembly. The advance of mandate fees (AFM) allows the rental of their office, in their constituency, the purchase of computers, taxi fares, the rental of accommodation or a hotel room or even the organization of a reception. Childcare has also just joined eligible expenses, provided that MPs do not request tax deductions at the same time. There is a detailed list of authorized expenses, in the order of the national office of November 29, 2017. It is also written that “the assumption of mandate costs by the National Assembly cannot under any circumstances pursue the objective of increasing the personal assets of the deputy, his relatives or his collaborators”.

Possible uses of this envelope

This envelope, which now amounts to 5,950 euros, is paid each month to deputies, and revalued according to the civil service index point. It allows them to pay the rent for their office, reserve a hotel room or even organize a reception. The office of the National Assembly justified the increase of 305 euros by inflation.

The advance on mandate costs is added to the parliamentary allowance, which amounts to 7,637 euros gross per month. Elected officials also receive a monthly envelope of 11,118 euros to pay their employees. The National Assembly also provides deputies with an office in the Palais-Bourbon with all the equipment available. The Assembly directly covers the travel of deputies by train or plane, up to a limit of around one hundred flights per year. Parliamentarians also have, among other things, cars with drivers at their disposal at the Palais-Bourbon.

The advance on mandate costs controlled by the ethics officer of the National Assembly

The use of the advance on mandate costs is nevertheless controlled by the ethics officer of the National Assembly. MPs must keep their accounts, keep their invoices or receipts, because they can be checked randomly during their mandate. At the end of the legislature, the accounts of all elected officials will have been inspected at least once. In 2017, the AFM replaced the controversial IRFM, an envelope whose use was not verified and which gave rise to abuses, from the purchase of televisions to the payment of vacations, for example.

Once their mandate is over, parliamentarians return to the treasurer of the National Assembly what they have not spent. In 2022, elected officials returned more than 10 million euros in total.

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