TRUE OR FALSE. Has the European Parliament adopted a report which “strives Nations of their sovereignty”, as Marine Le Pen asserts?

It’s a decision that has gone somewhat unnoticed in recent days, given the intensity of the news. Adopted by the European Parliament on Wednesday 22 November, the same day as the rejection of a text to reduce the use of pesticides, the adoption of a free trade treaty with New Zealand and a vote for save the Camembert boxes which will ultimately have the right to remain in wood.

The European Parliament approved a report aimed at revising the European treaties and adopted the accompanying resolution. Report denounced by the leader of the National Rally Marine Le Pen on France Inter, Thursday November 23. According to her, this report “in reality strips the Nations of almost all of their sovereignty. It would transform Ursula von der Leyen, President of the Commission, into President of the European Union. The commissioners would no longer be chosen by the States but by this so-called president. He gives himself powers in matters of health, in matters of taxation, in matters of immigration and so on. This is obviously unacceptable”. True or false ?

Desire to expand the powers of the European Union

There is truth and interpretation in what Marine Le Pen says. It is true that the project plans to amend the Treaty of the European Union to replace the expression in three places “the president of the European Commission” by “the president of the European Union”. It is also true that the text wants to reverse the process of appointing European commissioners, currently appointed by the European Council where the heads of the Member States sit, so that they are appointed by the President of the European Commission.

It is also true that the project seeks to broaden the powers of the European Union in certain areas. However, apart from the environment, biodiversity and negotiations on climate change for which the report proposes to confer a “exclusive jurisdiction” to the EU, other extensions of competences are not presented as an allocation of these competences, but as a sharing with the Member States.

The report “suggests establishing shared competences on matters of public health and the protection and improvement of human health, in particular with regard to cross-border threats to health, civil protection, industry and education, especially when it comes to cross-border issues such as mutual recognition of diplomas, degrees, skills and qualifications”.

Likewise, he “proposes to further develop the Union’s shared competences in the areas of energy, foreign affairs, external security and defence, external border policy in the area of ​​freedom, security and justice, and cross-border infrastructure”.

Sovereignists and the European far right worried

Would this strip Nations of their sovereignty? It is a question of interpretation and political positioning. For sovereignists and far-right parties, each strengthening of the powers of the European Union is by definition an attack on the sovereignty of the Member States.

Marine Le Pen’s concern is also shared by Antonio Maria Rinaldi, MEP of the Lega, Italian far right, by Carlo Fidanza, elected from the post-fascist Fratelli d’Italia party, by the Pole Ryszard Antoni Legutko of the party nationalist PiS.

Beyond the points that the French MP cited, they also take a dim view of the desire to abandon unanimous votes within the European Council to take more decisions with a qualified majority, that is- i.e. with the support of at least 15 of the 27 member states provided that they represent at least 65% of the EU population. This would make it possible to bypass opposition when making decisions. For example, this could have made it possible to release funds for Ukraine since the start of its war with Russia, while Victor Orban’s Hungary opposed it.

A “stronger” European Union, for those who want to revise the treaties

On the contrary, for those who are in favor of the text, who have a more integrationist vision of Europe, the lifting of blockages can be good news for a more responsive, more coordinated Europe. In their eyes, three years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, having a common health policy may make sense, for example.

For them, it is also about better reflecting the political preferences of European citizens. The project proposes to create a European referendum and strengthen the instruments for citizen participation in the European decision-making process. Changing the process of appointing the President of the European Commission so that he is appointed by the European Parliament and not by the European Council would appoint someone who better reflects the results of the European elections. This President of the European Commission who would better represent the political preferences of Europeans would in turn choose the commissioners.

“Treaty changes will make European democracy stronger and more resilient”assures Daniel Freund, German environmentalist MEP, who is one of the five co-rapporteurs, “National vetoes represent a risk for the security of Europe. We must put an end to them”. “The EU must focus more, be able to act more and become more democratically accountable”adds co-rapporteur Sven Simon, German Christian Democrat MEP. “We want the votes of voters to decide who becomes President of the Commission and decide its program. Our reform proposals create a Defense Union through joint public procurement, promote European energy independence and strengthen the State of right.”

Still a long journey before a possible reform of the European treaties

The report was approved by 305 votes in favor, 276 votes against and 29 abstentions. The accompanying resolution was passed by 291 votes in favor, 274 against and 44 abstentions. A narrow majority.

The text is unanimously supported by the centrist Renew group, in which the parties of the French presidential majority are represented (Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons, etc.), the far left and environmentalists. It is unanimously rejected by the nationalist right and the far right. On the other hand, it divides the socialists and the conservative right.

Donald Tusk, former president of the European Council and proposed candidate for prime minister by pro-European forces in Poland, is opposed. Europe “needs improvement in many areas, but the most foolish way would be to adopt this very naive enthusiasm for integration”estimated the former leader of the European conservative right.

But as it stands, this report is not binding. There are many steps left before a possible reform of the European treaties. The request for revision will be transmitted to the Council of the European Union, then to the European Council which will have to convene a Convention then a Conference of representatives of the governments of the Member States. Several stages will still follow, over several years. Above all, in the end, all 27 European countries will have to ratify the revision of the European treaties and it is not certain that states led by sovereignists will agree to increase the powers of the European Union.

source site-29