TRUE OR FALSE. Does the Vinted site harbor child trafficking?


Video length: 2 min

TRUE OR FALSE. Does the Vinted site harbor child trafficking?

Internet users claim that child trafficking is hidden behind clothing ads on Vinted. They rely on price inconsistencies for certain products. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Beaujour, L. Desbois, B. Bervas

France Televisions

Internet users claim that child trafficking is hidden behind clothing ads on Vinted. They rely on price inconsistencies for certain products.

For several weeks, a rumor has been growing about the Vinted site. It would contain several advertisements for selling children. It’s wrong. This rumor was spread by conspiracy accounts and by the singer Francis Lalanne who wonders about a “sale of kids“. These accounts rely on ads that display price inconsistencies, such as a sweatshirt or sneakers sold for 14,000 euros.

Vinted verified the reported listings

In truth, these excessive prices are often a simple typo, with an added number or a forgotten comma. The national police confirm that this is a rumor. For its part, Vinted has verified the reported ads and does not believe they are linked to criminal activity. Rumors about the existence of child trafficking with Vinted have no basis and are spread by personalities who regularly spread conspiracy theories.

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