TRUE OR FALSE. Do pets contribute to global warming?



Video length: 1 min

TRUE OR FALSE. Do pets contribute to global warming?

According to climate engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, pets contribute to global warming? Is it true ? The True or False teams carried out the investigation. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L.Beaujour, F.Daireaux, S.Ripaud

France Televisions

According to climate engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici, pets contribute to global warming. Is it true ? The True or False teams carried out the investigation.

Pets contribute to global warming, according to climate engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici. An assertion which earned him criticism on social networks, with some refusing to believe it. What about it? It is true that our animals contribute to global warming. This impact is mainly due to the production of their food, which often contains meat.

Solutions to reduce their impact

According to a British researcher, over a year, the food of a 22 kilo dog emits 0.5 tonnes of CO2. For comparison, on average, it is almost a month of CO2 emissions for a French person. The larger the dog adopted, the greater its consumption, and the more CO2 it emits. To reduce the impact of your animals on the climate, you can favor kibble, because their production emits much less CO2 than pâté. For cat litter, you can also choose natural materials, such as wood pellets. Finally, the associations advise favoring shelter adoptions, to welcome existing cats and dogs into your home, and thus not increase the domestic animal population.

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