An administrative form proposing to make a “declaration of euthanasia decision” has been seen more than 300,000 times on social networks. But it is a fake.
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101 mins

“Have you ever seen this form!?”, asks an Internet user on November 25 on the social network Its title nevertheless calls out, it is a “declaration of euthanasia decision”. A form in front “be returned to your body within three days before killing”. “Welcome to Macronie”, comments someone else.
Have you ever seen this form?!
— Laurence DESTANQUE-DEMARCQ Zero 💉 (@L0r3nc358) November 25, 2023
This message, seen 300,000 times, provides no context. But is it a real document?
The crazy content of the form
This is a fake. Readers have also added a note and numerous comments under the post. The first clue to the falsity of the form lies in the absence of an identification number below the Cerfa logo (of the Center for Registration and Revision of Administrative Forms) which is located at the top left of the document, whereas it ‘is obligatory.
The second clue, crude, is found when reading the form. In a box titled “Means implemented for euthanasia”, you are asked to check a box to say how you would like to be euthanized. Alongside plausible choices, some appear from another age and others completely crazy: lethal injection, stopping food infusions, the guillotine, the electric chair, the firearm, explosives or the stopping of “devices that beep and squeak”. Those who have more imagination can also draw a precise diagram on the back of the document.
Many Internet users accuse of conspiracy the one who distributed this document without any context, with a message that could be interpreted as a joke as well as a scandalized question, knowing that it also peddles false information on the Covid-19 vaccine. They accuse him of creating disinformation on a subject that is already so delicate. She enjoys it without clarifying her position or deleting the document.
A bill on end of life in the coming weeks
In reality, euthanasia is illegal in France and the inclusion of euthanasia in the government’s next end-of-life bill has not yet been decided, or rather off to a bad start according to information from the French political service. Inter dating from early November.
This bill must in fact be presented in the coming weeks by the government, as indicated by government spokesperson Olivier Véran on November 14 on France Inter. This bill will have to set the criteria required to be able to resort to assisted suicide, that is to say, to receive assistance in dying. For the moment, five criteria are retained: you must be of legal age, live in France, suffer suffering “intolerable”, be able to make a free, informed, repeated choice and have a medium-term vital prognosis. This last criterion would rule out many people suffering, for example, from Charcot disease which causes progressive paralysis.