TRUE OR FALSE. Can the President of the Republic prevent a minister from resigning?


Video length: 2 min



After the rejection of the immigration bill, Gérald Darmanin presented his resignation to Emmanuel Macron, who refused it. Many Internet users did not believe it, some calling it “staged”. In fact, can the President of the Republic prevent a minister from resigning?

In the wake of the rejection of the immigration bill, information appeared in the media according to which the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin would have presented his resignation to Emmanuel Macron, who would have refused it. Immediately, many did not believe it. An Internet user described this political sequence as “staging”. “If Darmanin wants to resign, he does not need the green light from Macron”, wrote another. So, is it true?

Several recent examples show that a minister can resign, even without the agreement of Emmanuel Macron. In 2018, for example, Gérard Collomb had presented his resignation to the President of the Republic, who publicly refused it. The Minister of the Interior at the time persisted in the press and resigned, which took Emmanuel Macron by surprise, as the former mayor of Lyon (Rhône) explained at the time. Two month more early, Nicholas Hulot also announced his resignation from the Ministry of Ecological Transition, without having informed anyone, live on France Inter.

If he had really wanted to, Gérald Darmanin could have resigned

The President of the Republic cannot therefore prevent a minister from resigning. Can we say, however, that this is staged? According to political scientist Benjamin Morel, the answer is yes, with the aim of restoring the image of the Minister of the Interior. We cannot know with certainty whether Gérald Darmanin sincerely wanted to leave the government, and if Emmanuel Macron managed to dissuade him. What is certain is that if he had really wanted to, the Minister of the Interior could have resigned without the president’s agreement.

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