TRUE OR FALSE. Are the French, as Bruno Le Maire claims, “not getting poorer”?



Video duration:
2 min


“The French are not getting poorer,” Bruno Le Maire declared on France 2 on Thursday September 28. What about it? Update with journalist Louis Augry, journalist at the Vrai ou Faux unit.

Minister Bruno Le Maire was questioned about the impoverishment of the French, on France 2, Thursday September 28. “The French are not getting poorer, [ils] have incomes that increase steadily, year after year”, did he declare. Journalist Louis Augry reviewed the figures. Certainly, wages have increased significantly in recent years, according to a graph from the Ministry of Labor, for the private sector. “[Mais] except in recent months, for two years wages have increased, certainly, but they have increased less than prices“, nuance the journalist.

The French are depriving themselves more and more

Furthermore, the French are depriving themselves more and more. To do this, he looked at data from INSEE, concerning the “arbitrable purchasing power“, to know “what remains to live after the expenses planned at the beginning of the month“, such as rent, bills and taxes.”This arbitrable purchasing power, in 2022, fell for the first time in more than 10 years. Another element which also comes from INSEE, in 2022 14% of the metropolitan population will be in a situation of material and social deprivation, a figure at its highest since 2013“, continues Louis Augry.

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