TRUE OR FALSE. Are 30% of sixth grade students not able to read or write, as Marion Maréchal mentions?


Video length: 3 min

TRUE OR FALSE. Are 30% of sixth grade students not able to read or write, as Marion Maréchal mentions?

While teachers are planning a new day of mobilization, Tuesday February 6, some politicians argue that nearly 30% of students arriving in 6th grade cannot read or write. The True or False cell of France Info looked into this figure. – (franceinfo)

While teachers are planning a new day of mobilization, Tuesday February 6, some politicians argue that nearly 30% of students arriving in 6th grade cannot read or write. The True or False cell of France Info looked into this figure.

In an interview, Marion Maréchal (Reconquest) affirmed that “30% of students who arrive in 6th grade do not know how to read and write”. A figure already given in 2022 by Eric Zemmour. According to the latest report from the Ministry of National Education, a third of students have difficulty reading and writing. More precisely, it is said that 34% of students are in the highest levels and 27% are found in the low level groups. Low levels do not correspond to students who cannot read or write, but rather to students who have not acquired all the necessary skills such as lexicon, comprehension of the text or reading.

France, a bad student globally

During the sixth grade entry reading tests, students must read as many words as possible in one minute. 17% of them have not managed to read more than 90 words in a minute, which is almost half the rate mentioned by Marion Maréchal. At the global level, out of 57 countries, France is below the European average, ranking at the same level as Malta and Serbia.

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