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They post their climatosceptic ideas on social networks. Who are these new bearers of the climato-denialist discourse?
2022 East the most devastating year on THE front of forest fires. However, in parallel, the climatosceptic discourse has never been so present on social networks. Who are these new actors who carry the climatosceptic discourse? This discourse has always existed, but it came rather from the fossil fuel lobby with an economic interest. In France, the turning point took place in July 2022 with the emergence of a new front. David Chavalariasa CNRS researcher, studied them with his team. “The accounts that relay this kind of thing do not seem to focus particularly on the climate, but on social tensions. […] They are more toxic than others in terms of speech“, explains David Chavalarias.
An anti-system discourse
These accounts will behave like information mercenaries. They alternately relay anti-vaccine, pro-Kremlin messages and today they are also interested in the climate. It is not a coincidence. The community of the biggest influencer climato-denialist French finds itself around an anti-system discourse. “When we compare climate activism and activism policy, […] we see that they do not belong to traditional parties, but rather to confidential parties, such as Les Patriotes or theUPR“analyzes David Chavalarias. The influencer relays a lot of narratives straight from the United States. Ultimately, climatosceptic discourse on the networks is more of a tool of subversion that a real conviction.