True or fake Was the karting race at Fresnes prison financed by the taxpayer, as members of the far right claim?

Did the detainees of the Fresnes penitentiary go karting at the expense of the taxpayer? Since the publication of the images of the‘event “Kohlanness in prison” on social networks, the controversy ignited. In response, the Minister of Justice tweeted on Saturday August 20 to announce the opening of an investigation. Eric Dupond-Moretti mentioned “shocking pictures” and estimated that “the fight against recidivism” not “did not go through karting”.

Damien Rieu, former parliamentary assistant for the National Rally (RN) and candidate for the legislative elections under the Reconquest label, accuses the Keeper of the Seals of having organized this karting activity “with your taxes”. A criticism taken up in heart by the fachosphere and by the deputy RN, Hélène Laporte. “At the prison of #Fresnessummer activities are organized for prisoners: karting, swimming pool, etc. […] Taxpayers will be happy to see where their money goes!So, are they telling true or fake?

SAccording to information collected by franceinfo from the Ministry of Justice, “the event was fully funded by the producers and organizers, there was no funding for the activities from the prison”. Information confirmed by one of the organizers of “Kohlanness”, who wishes to remain anonymous. According to him, “not a euro was given by the prison for the activities”, karting, tug of war, swimming pool, water bomb…

“Everything used during the event, from the water bottle to the karting, was funded by the ‘Kohlanness’ teams.”

One of the organizers of the “Kohlanness in prison” event

at franceinfo

“The purpose of the association is to raise money to organize this type of sporting event via subsidies or sponsorshe says. For ‘Kohlanness in Prison’, it was all self-funded or sponsored by Big M, a fast-food chain, and Omada, an online cashless sports betting platform.”

In addition, the organizer wishes to invalidate another fake news circulating on social networks concerning the profile of the detainees: “None of those who participated is a murderer or a rapist. They are there for small sentences. They have been handpicked by the prison administration. courses, have a job, etc.”

In the video of the show aired on youtube channel Djibril Drama, the presenter, we can see the director of the prison of Fresnes, Jimmy Delliste, presenting trophies to the three teams which faced each other during this game. In total, 2,700 euros were donated by the penitentiary establishment to associations , as confirmed by the Chancellery to franceinfo. Coming in first, the team of supervisors won 1,700 euros for the Arc-en-ciel association, which makes the dreams of sick children come true. Second, the team of inmates enabled the Relais Enfants-Parents association to win 650 euros to work to preserve family ties between incarcerated parents and their children. Last but not least, the Fresnes youth team won 350 euros for the Unitess association, which wants to create links between neighborhood youth and institutions. “The money given by the prison went directly to the associations”confirm one of the organizers.

However, even if not one euro of public money was used to finance the activities from which the detainees were able to benefit, for the Ministry of Justice, karting activity do the wrong thing.

“They would have had a singing competition, no one would have said anything. It’s the karting side that shocks. The objective of the investigation is to understand where there was a malfunction.”

The Ministry of Justice

at franceinfo

“The project has been validated by the management of the establishment, but not by the minister or his cabinet”, we continue at the Chancellery. On the side of the opposition on the left, we denounce the abandonment of this penitentiary establishment by the State. “In Fresnes prison, the food rots because of the heat, the detainees don’t have a cooler. Access to showers is not daily, the 124-year-old building is unsanitary”, tweets LFI MP for Val-de-Marne Louis Boyard.Let the associations bring a little humanity back to it”he adds.

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