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This widespread idea among the head of the Kremlin and his close circle denounces a machination of Western countries to control and exploit the world. How to explain this conspiracy theory?
This is a theory regularly mentioned by Vladimir Putin. That of a “total billion gold domination model”according to his terms. The idea is also taken up by the president’s entourage, in particular Serguei Lavrov. It is a theory imagined, in 1990, by the Soviet economist Anatoly Tsikunov. For him, Western countries are fomenting a plan to control and exploit the world.
“This theory is based on the principle that there is an overpopulation on earth according to the West, and that we must keep the best. All the rest of the world’s population are slaves, or else a mass of people who will have to be exterminated to accomplish this project of a new world order”explains Dimitri minicresearcher atIfri (French Institute of International Relations), and author of “Russian Strategic Thought and Culture, From Bypassing the Armed Struggle to War in Ukraine” (Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme).
Putin “would like to create this vision within Russia”
This conspiracy theory was popularized by the Russian writer, Sergei Kara Murzain the late 1990s. According to him, the UN is working on an artificial reduction of the population in Asia, Africa and the USSR.
This idea was taken up by Vladimir Putin from the start of his mandate. He claimed in November 2000 that “the world is notoriously divided into North and South according to its level of development”. According to Ilia Yablokovlecturer, Vladimir Putin “would like to create this vision within Russia. That there is a ‘billion of gold’ against them, that there is a minority of rich countries capturing the resources of the world, and this against Russia”. This conspiracy theory serves, today, the speech of the Russian president, who erects ramparts against the diabolical project of the West.