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At the microphone of Sud Radio, engineer Christian Gerondeau estimated that “there is no significant rise in the sea”. Is this statement correct? Response items.
Is sea level rise science fiction invented by the IPCC? At the microphone of Sud Radio, engineer Christian Gerondeau assured: “This rise in sea water is around 2 mm per year. […] There is no significant sea rise.“This figure of 2 mm per year, published by the IPCC, is correct. It concerns the period from 1900 to 2018. What this climatosceptic engineer forgets to say is that in 30 years, this phenomenon has The sea level is now rising almost 4 mm per year.
A rise of 12 mm in 30 years
Gonéri Le Cozannet, BRGM researcher and co-author of the 6th IPCC report, explains: “It’s linked to the melting of the Goéland […]initiated since the beginning of the 2000s, which means that today we have 4 mm per year and more than 2 mm per year.“Over the past 30 years, the oceans have therefore risen by 12 mm. This acceleration will accelerate. The IPCC is considering several scenarios. If the temperature of the globe increases by 1.5°C, the oceans will rise by around 44 cm The worst scenario would be a rise of 81 cm. In France, it is a large part of the coasts that will be affected by these phenomena of submersion and erosion. It is therefore difficult to say that the rise in water levels will have no impact.