Video length: 3 mins.
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The number of sick leaves started to rise again in 2022, according to the annual study by Malakoff-Humanis. And with it the suspicion of fraud. Is it so easy to get fake sick leave?
All these sick leaves have one thing in common. They are absolutely fake and were bought on the internet. Thanks to social networks, it is very easy to obtain a falsified work stoppage. This practice is illegal, and the problem is that the real doctor usually doesn’t know about it. While doing research, a doctor discovered a network of fakers on Snapchat. We spoke with several of them, including one who is particularly reassuring, in order to sell us his service.
A loss of 3.4 million euros in 2021
He finally gives an appointment in the Paris region for a personal delivery. And that’s how we got a blank care sheet to fill out. As promised, it is stamped with a real doctor’s stamp. We contacted her, and she didn’t show up by surprise. In 2021, the estimated damage due to false stops was 3.4 million euros, according to Social Security. She recommends that doctors who are victims notify the authorities and health insurance. But if the reports are numerous, these generally have little chance of succeeding.