Video length: 2 min.
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A few days ago, the rebellious deputy Manuel Bompard declared, with regard to the use of cannabis in France, that the legislation of the country was the most repressive in this matter, whereas the country is the one where it is consumed the most in Europe. So is it true?
A few days ago, the rebellious MP Manuel Bompard said this, about the use of cannabis in France: “We have the most repressive legislation in France, and we are where we consume the most, so there is still a problem there.” Is it true ? Let’s look at consumption. As our colleagues from franceinfo radio have noted, 45% of French people say they have smoked cannabis at least once in their life. This is the highest rate in Europe, ahead of our Spanish and Italian neighbours, and much higher than the European Union average. Now, what about repression? Are we the strictest in France? France is one of the European countries that can punish the use of cannabis with a prison sentence of up to one year. This is more than Austria, but less than Germany.
French legislation is rarely applied in practice
But in reality, these penalties are only very rarely applied. “In France, you are never sentenced to prison for using cannabis, for simple use. There is a general trend, which is moreover consecrated by the European Union and by the Member States when they meet in Brussels, which is to opt for non-repressive solutions in the treatment of drug users”says Renaud Colson, lecturer in private law and criminal sciences.
To limit criminal proceedings, France introduced, in September 2020, a fine of 200 euros for the use of narcotics. In conclusion, Manuel Bompard is telling the truth about consumption. France is the country in Europe where the most cannabis is smoked. As for the French legislation, if it is indeed one of the most severe, in practice it is rarely applied.
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