TRUE OR FAKE. Does the National Rally group have the greatest activity in the hemicycle?



Video length: 2 min.


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On franceinfo, the deputy Rassemblement national (RN) Thomas Ménagé defended the idea that the RN group has the greatest activity in the National Assembly. So, true or fake?

The National Rally (RN) would like to be more respected for the work it provides. On franceinfo, the deputy RN Thomas Ménagé defended the activity of his group in the National Assembly: “The figures show it. We are the first in terms of written questions, the first in terms of votes and presence in the hemicycle.” According to figures from data N, which collects data from the Assembly, the RN group is indeed the one that votes the most during this parliamentary session (39%). This attitude corresponds to that fixed by the RN, according to a specialist.

MP RN is right

In absolute value, the RN group is the one with the most written questions. However, if we relate this figure to that of the number of elected officials, we realize that it is the Republican (LR) deputies who ask the most questions. Anyway, MP RN is right: his group has the biggest activity in terms of voting and written questions to the Assembly.

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