Video length: 2 min.
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An American nurse claims that the vaccine against the covid would be the cause of convulsions after seeing a video in which a woman is seized by violent tremors. However, the video looks suspicious.
In a video shared on social networks, we see a woman seized with violent tremors. a nurse American assures that for him, there is no doubt: these are convulsions or even an epileptic fit, caused by the Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19. The post made 26 million views. But who is the person behind this alarmist message? james Cintolo present themselves on social media as being an expert health and nutrition. If we look at his old messages, we realize that he is a regular at antivax messages and plotters.
No study establishes a link between seizures and taking the vaccine
There video showsthe side effects of a covid vaccine? “She is sitting almost, an epileptic would not hold, possibly, in this way”, comments Wilfrid Sammutemergency doctor, who expressed his doubts. The video appears suspicious also because the seizure is not listed as a vaccine-related side effect. In conclusion, professionals consider it unlikely that these tremors are true convulsive disorders and even less of an epileptic seizure. At this stage, no study establishes a link between seizures and taking the vaccine against covid.