True or FAKE. Does osteopathy have real medical benefits?



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Osteopathy has long been popular with the French. But do these bodily manipulations really bring medical benefits?

To relieve back problems, some French people go to the osteopath, a profession that Valérie Kohl exercises. “Patients who consult see a reduction in pain, or even an absence of the problem afterwards”, emphasizes the osteopath. However, the practice is not recognized by the medical order. “We are not here to divert patients from medicine”, explains Valérie Kohl, for whom osteopathy and traditional medicine are not incompatible.

Many studies have been published on the subject, but none are strong enough to scientifically prove the benefits. Professor François Rannou, head of the physical medicine and rehabilitation service at the Hospital Cochin, conducted a study on 400 patients with back problems. According to him, osteopathy is more effective than a placebo and denounces an absence of medical theory in osteopathy. “There is no molecular, biological or tissue link in the organs with osteopathy. The Ministry of Health does not recognize osteopathy as a medical or paramedical practice. The fees are therefore free and not covered by the Health Insurance. But the state believes that osteopathy can be beneficial for the patient, in addition to traditional medicine.


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