Video length: 6 mins.
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In Guyana, the teams of “Vrai ou fake” went to meet college students to talk about mules, the name given to people who transport drugs by plane. They also investigated the fact that traffickers use mules to transport cocaine to Paris.
In Guyana, in Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, the teams of “Vrai ou fake” went to meet the students of the college Leodate Volmar and their teachers to talk about fake news. The journalist Julien Pain first asked them if it was true that it is from this city that the mules leave, the name given to people who transport drugs by plane. For students, this is indeed the case. Julien Pain then went on a report with two students to see more clearly. Where does cocaine come from? The river maroni marks the border between Guyana and the neighboring country of Suriname. It is in Suriname that the cocaine arrives by plane from Colombia. Then just cross the maroni to meet in France. The journey is very short, and is done without any control.
30 mules board a plane for Paris daily
20% of drugs consumed in France pass through Guyana. A drug carried by mules, which may be male or female. At a checkpoint, the gendarmes try to spot the mules before they reach the airport. Cocaine can be hidden in suitcases, shoe soles, but also in the stomach. The drug is then packed, compacted, before being swallowed. These are called eggs. Despite these controls, it is estimated that, every day, 30 mules manage to board a plane for Paris. The strategy of the traffickers is very simple: send as many mules as possible, knowing full well that part of it will end up in jail.
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